Learn with me! However you like to learn there's something for everyone....articles, books, blogs, videos, podcasts, and online seminars!


The Myofunctional Evaluation (book):  This is a systematic tool for anyone who works with individuals with swallowing or speaking difficulties.  Covers analysis of cranio-facial-oral hard and soft tissue, respiration, and how it all fits together functionally.  

Oral-Facial Illustrations and Reference Guide (ebook):  So very helpful to have a simple, visual referents of the cranio-facial-oral hard tissue and soft tissue components, along with easy-to-understand explanations.   

The Key to Carryover: Change Oral Postures to Fortify Speech Production:  The oral resting posture can be influenced by numerous "obstacles." Consequently, these obstacles can adversely impact speech production stabilization and mobilization.  

Demystify the Tongue Tie, Methods to Confidently Analyze & Treat a Tethered Tongue:  A tongue that inhibits comfortable, consistent access to points of stabilization-mobilization for any oral function is an issue. Here are the options--at any age.  

Therapy Matters Blog

(#46) The Quick 5-Phase Oral Mech Exam: Details on how to efficiently observe and what to look for, as well as interpret cranio-facial-oral-respiratory characteristics in relationship to oral functions.   

(#47) The QOE: A Free Oral Mech Form to Use with Your Kids:  Download the one-page form.  Plus a recommendation for helpful way to type in pdf forms, called PDFfiller.com.

(#31) The Ultimate Guide to Puh-Tuh-Kuh:  Specifics are given on the normed DDK Analysis Task, plus, a revised, modified DDK (by Char) to glean additional helpful oral movement information.

(#42) Does a Palatal Expander Interrupt Speech Therapy?  Provides a good description of several types of devices, and answers the previous question with facts and a few opinions.  

(#35) Speech and Mouth Breathing: What SLPs Need to Know:  Yes, it can play a part in development and production. But why and how? Research based: potential obstructers, their consequences, and more.

(#37) Eight Reasons Why the ORP is Influential in Speech Sound Therapy (part 1):  The ORP = the oral operating zone, i.e., if the tongue rests forward, speech is forward. Influences speech stabilization-mobilization.

(#38) A Step-by-Step ORP Analysis Guide (part 2): Instructions to guide you from external cranio-facial-oral-respiratory observations to intra-oral analysis (and the functional connections) of a client's oral resting posture.

(#39) Step-by-Step ORP Prep-Phase Therapy (part 3):  Covers a lot of info: Six Therapy Principles, and specific details of applying the Preparation Phase (for the jaw, lips, locate the tongue position, and nasal breathing).

(#40) How to Do the Two Carryover Phases of the ORP (part 4):  Once the client can close lips and find their optimum tongue position, the carryover phase begins: Timeline Phase, and the Association Phase. Learn how.

Speech Link Podcast

The "Speech Link" is a 1-hour video/audio Podcast hosted by Char Boshart, and sponsored by

SpeechTherapypd.com. Get practical information and CEUS at: SpeechTherapypd.com.

To access the free audio-only podcasts, The Speech Link is available on all popular podcast apps.

They are listed and linked at SpeechDynamics.com.

Episode #63:  Posture: The Missing Piece in Speech Production, by Brian Gick

Episode #66:  Diadochokinesis (DDK): Research Data and Clinical Applications, by Raymond Kent

CEU Courses

All courses are available at SpeechTherapypd.com

(Subscription is necessary; type Char Boshart into the search bar)

Many of Char's courses contain information and instructions on the Oral Resting Posture (ORP).

Char is available to present online seminars

designed specifically for your speech-language pathologists at your workplace.

Inquire: Char@SpeechDynamics.com